Youth IGF India

As we embark on our seventh year, we are committed to launching impactful projects and initiatives that amplify youth voices in shaping India’s digital landscape. From innovative workshops to global collaborative empowerment programs, we aim to tackle crucial digital challenges, foster inclusive dialogue, and drive sustainable change.

IIM Bangalore to host Youth IGF India‘s 7th Annul Forum on 30th September, 2024!

Get Involved to Make a Difference!

Join our dynamic team of changemakers and stakeholders in our mission to explore emerging technologies, advocate for digital rights, and build a more equitable digital future for all. Together, we can make a difference. Click below to get involved!

We are grateful to our sponsors and supporters over the years. Here are those who have supported us in different capacities in the past few years.

  • FireBird VR
  • IIIT Hyderabad
  • InSIG
  • Indus Net Technologies
  • Internet Society
  • Meta
  • St. Xavier’s University
  • UN IGF